Book reading challenge

April 17
Start date
2 weeks
Pot size
How does this work?
  1. Find a Goalie that aligns with your goals
  2. Pay the buy in amount 💵 to join
  3. Check in everyday 📸 to stay in the Goalie
  4. Make it to the end and get your money back!
Hello, my name is pizzalover

작년에 영어원서 6권 읽기가 목표여서 야심차게 책 한권 사고 읽고는 다음 권을 시작하지 못해 아직도 1권 완료에만 머무르고 있어요. 리딩이 빨라지면 영어 노출이 많아져 읽고 쓰고 말하기에 도움이 된다는 말을 많이 들었는데 영어원서 아무거나 잡고 일단 읽어보고 싶어서 챌린지를 만들어보게되었습니다...!

Check-in instructions

📚 본인이 읽고 싶은 책 고르기
📖 매일 2 chapter씩 읽기
✅ 읽은 챕터 마지막 페이지 사진 & 챕터 요약글 올려서 체크인 완료하기

(요약글은 영어 혹은 한국어로 적어도 됩니다!)

General rules
Upload your check-in daily You must upload a check-in every day by 11:59PM EDT.
2 cheat days allowed You are allowed to skip checking in, up to 2 days. Failing to check in more than 2 days will mean disqualification; you will not be able to get your buy-in amount back.
We operate by the honor system
It is up to you to be honest about their check ins. However, please be aware that you may be reported for cheating, which can result in immediate disqualification.

How much could I win?

Be the sole survivor and win the whole pot!
If you are one of two survivors, you win half the pot.
If you are one of three survivors, split the pot 3-way.
If you are one of four survivors, split the pot 4-way.
If everyone survives, you win back your buy-in.
If no-one survives, everyone gets back their money as credits.
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