pink-dolphin checked in on May 18, 11:39PM

pg 84-90
To start a love relationship, a man and a woman need to see each other often, have lots of conversations, and engage in subtle acts like slight touches. As the rehearsal continued, they had to be together constantly. Sally's hesitation about whether it was okay to include a fart joke for more exaggerated comedy in front of Noah was cute. Then, she quickly decided that while her feelings for Noah were only at 30%, her passion for comedy was at 120%, so it was fine to say it. This part was funny and impressive. Finally, Noah asked Sally for a favor. He wanted her opinion on whether he should hide his tattoos or not. The third tattoo could only be seen if he took off his top, and reading about how Sally focused on Noah's skin and muscles rather than the tattoo made my heart race. The end!!

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