pink-dolphin checked in on May 21, 11:29PM

pg 131-140
I thought Noah and Sally would quickly clear up their misunderstanding, but two years later, they're starting to resolve it gradually, beginning with Noah's email. The book was so interesting that I lost track of time, but they met at the show in 2018. Then, COVID-19 hit in 2019, and now, in 2020, as they're exchanging emails, it's the beginning of the lockdown. They didn't talk about their misunderstanding from the start, but kept exchanging greetings like icebreakers until Noah apologized first. (Actually, Sally's question that day was really rude...) Sally told Noah he didn't need to apologize and sincerely requested to apologize herself for being rude at the bar that day. Will their love start now? Since it's emails, I can't read them smoothly, so I'll stop here for today!

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