Apply for at least one job per weekday (M-F)
- Find a Goalie that aligns with your goals
- Pay the buy in amount 💵 to join
- Check in everyday 📸 to stay in the Goalie
- Make it to the end and get your money back!
Many tech companies laid off employees this year. The job search can be tough. This challenge should help you find the financial motivation to REALLY look for a replacement job.
I personally quit my high-stress cybersecurity automation job back in August, before this year's layoffs. I didn't realize how stressful the job had actually been until I quit. Since I had saved up lots of money ahead of time, I did not feel an urgency to get back into the job market, and I have actually only applied for one job since I quit. Since I am frugal and I hate losing money, hopefully this challenge will help me get my ass in gear.
Why are weekends excluded from the requirements?
I think we should apply for jobs when everyone else is at their 9-5. Weekends and evenings provide opportunities for socializing, which is important, but it also might unexpectedly lead to a job opportunity. Don't discount the importance of networking.
Post a screenshot of the "Thank you for applying" screen of at least one completed job application* per weekday.
Screenshots must be different each day. Try to include the company name in the screenshot if possible. Include a news article from that day in the screenshot as proof that you didn't frontload your applications.
If you have an all-day interview with a company, you can instead post proof of the interview invitation. Companies like Amazon are notorious for eating up candidates' time this way, and from experience I know it's exhausting.
You must apply for jobs or have all-day interviews scheduled for each day of the first 2 weeks. If, after that, you have an offer letter that you've accepted, you should stop applying and instead post advice and encouragement for the people who are left as your check-in.
* Proof of an application to a university will also be acceptable.