yujin checked in on Nov 27, 11:09 PM

Chapter 2
This devil is giving me a very interesting insight for the Christians. As the one of the Christians, this book makes me reflect on my past. Screwtape, the senior devil, wrote a letter to junior because the human eventually went to a church. But he said that there is no need to be disappointed since hundreds of these adults came back to them. The last section was very interesting;
"At the bottom, he still believes he has run up a very favourable credit balance in the enemy's ledger by allowing himself to be converted, and thinks that he is showing great humanity and condescension in going to church with these smug commonplace neighbours at all."

Nov 27, 11:11 PM
오늘은 감기기운으로 컨디션이 메롱이였지만 ㅎㅎ 챌린지 둘째날 완료입니다 👍🥲
Nov 27, 11:57 PM
오 요즘 감기 조심해야 해요. 사실 저도 훌쩍 거리고 있지만요!! 조심조심!😊
Nov 28, 1:21 AM
날이 많이 추워져서 건강 챙기셔야해요 화이팅입니다~
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